
Using HWiNFO with Rainmeter

This allows you to output the current values of one or more sensors to the Windows Registry, where it can be easily accessed using the Registry measure in ...


2023年1月10日 — After installing the skin in rainmeter, a welcome tutorial will load, follow the steps and you will be ready in a couple minutes. If you already ...


Repository files navigation. README. This Rainmeter skin allows you to quickly view CPU utilization, temperature, frequency and voltage.

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Rainmeter plug-in

Discussion dedicated to the HWiNFO plug-in for Rainmeter.


Rainmeter plug-in. A plug-in for Rainmeter gadget. Display any HWiNFO® 32/64 sensor values in the Rainmeter gadget.


Comet Lake Rainmeter Skin Displays a CPU widget whose various cores and components change color depending on temperature. Graphs are displayed by left clicking ...

Rainmeter plug

2012年10月6日 — This plug-in and skin for Rainmeter has been updated to version 1.1.0. It now includes the capability to display the sensor name, entry name and ...


ThisallowsyoutooutputthecurrentvaluesofoneormoresensorstotheWindowsRegistry,whereitcanbeeasilyaccessedusingtheRegistrymeasurein ...,2023年1月10日—Afterinstallingtheskininrainmeter,awelcometutorialwillload,followthestepsandyouwillbereadyinacoupleminutes.Ifyoualready ...,Repositoryfilesnavigation.README.ThisRainmeterskinallowsyoutoquicklyviewCPUutilization,temperature,frequencyandvoltage.,Wantto...

HWiNFO 8.22 功能完善的硬體檢測工具

HWiNFO 8.22 功能完善的硬體檢測工具
